Dokumentat e tenderit FIRE PREP
4.1.V1S1 Instruction to Tenderes and Contract Award
4.2. V1S2 thedeclarationhonour
4.3.2 V1S3 Forms-Financial Capacity
4.3.3 V1S3 Forms-Technical and Proffesional Capacity
4.4.1 V1S4 Technical Offer-Tenderers Staff
4.4.2 V1S4 Technical Offer- CV of Key Staff
4.4.4 V1S4 Technical Offer- Work Plan & Programme
4.7.1 V3 Specifikimet teknike rev.
ds4o_specialconditions_simpl_en r1
4.8.1 V4 Financial Offer (Lum Sum)