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Daily Archives: 18/01/2011

Points of interest to visit

Museums : ‘’Onufri ‘’ -National Museum of Icons – located within the old Cathedral of  Dormition of St. Mary ( 18th century ) which is a Byzantine style Church characterized by a marvelous golden wooden iconostasis .The collection of the icons dating back to the 14th – 19th centuries include …

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Description of Berat

The city of Berat is locate d in South-Central Albania, 120 km south of Tirana. It has a population of around 64.000 people . The old town was inscribed in the World Heritage List of UNESCO  in 8th of July 2008 as ‘’a rare example of an architectural character typical …

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Pershkrimi i Beratit

Qyteti i Beratit ndodhet në Shqipërinë Jug-Qëndrore , 120 km  në jug të Tiranës. Ai ka një popullsi prej rreth 64.000 banorë. Qendra Historike e qytetit është përfshirë në Listën e Trashëgimisë Botërore të Unesco-s  në 8 Korrik 2008 si ‘’ një shembull i rrallë i një karakteri arkitektural tipik …

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