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Daily Archives: 20/08/2010

Onufri National Museum

‘’Onufri ‘’ -National Museum of Icons is located within the old Cathedral of  Dormition of St. Mary ( 18th  century ) which is a Byzantine style Church characterized by a marvelous golden wooden iconostasis . The collection of the icons dating back to the 14th – 19th centuries include important works …

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The National Ethnographic Museum

The Ethnographic Museum was housed in 1979 inside a Berat characteristic old building. This type of residence was built from the class of land-owners, who lived in the city during feudal times. Inside the museum is recreated a characteristic old street and bazaar with many traditional shops on the sides of the street. In …

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Vende për tu Vizituar

  Kalaja e Beratit Kalaja – Eshte monumenti më antik në qytetin e Beratit. Këtu shtrihej dikur qyteti i vjetër. Kalaja është pasuri kulturore kombëtare dhe së fundi pas përfshirjes në Unesco është edhe pasuri universale.      Kisha e Shën Mëri Vllahernës – (shek.13 ) – Është kisha më e vjetër ekzistuese në …

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